Meet the Innovation & Entrepreneurship Institute
Would you like to know what the Innovation & Entrepreneurship Institute offers to HEC Paris students and participants?
You want to organize an event on innovation or entrepreneurship ? You need marketing and communication resources ? You are looking for the good connections ?
Ask Margo your questions, and your wish will come true ;-)
Staff members
1About us
Office Hours for Innovators & Entrepreneurs
Who we are
Office hours take place on a weekly basis on HEC Campus, Jouy-en-Josas (eLab, S Building, Rooms 123-124) or online.
Our Affiliate Professors, Etienne Krieger, Jean-Rémi Gratadour, Michel Safars;
our experts, Pierre Clamens, Isabelle Fauchon,... are available every week to reply to your questions about entrepreneurship at HEC Paris and give you advice on your ideas and projects of startup.
IMPORTANT: please reserve only one slot per person per day !
If you have any other question, check out our website:
Or contact us :
1 rue de la Libération, Jouy-en-Josas